Volume 7, No. 2, February 2025
Editor: Rashed Rahman
From the Editor
Crisis of Pakistan’s state and society
That Pakistan has been in the throes of a crisis of state and society has become a commonplace over the years..
Toward a Marxist Theory of Nationalism
Berch Berberoglu
In this section of the paper I attempt to develop an alternative Marxist theory of nationalism based on the principles of historical materialism.
Pakistan as a semi-colony of US Imperialism
W B Bland
Second phase: Military Dictatorship, continued dependence upon US Imperialism
The establishment in October 1958 of the military dictatorship of the ‘Karachi’ clique brought about an increase in US ‘aid’, but no change in the basis of Pakistan’s foreign policy: “The Martial Law Regime…had no quarrel with the basic assumptions of the foreign policy followed by the previous governments” (Mushtaq Ahmad: Government and Politics in Pakistan; Karachi,1963, p.231).
Biden’s Cuba policy leaves the Island in wreckage
Ed Augustin
The sight of hungry people scavenging through dumpsters and panhandling was once more common in cities in the US and Europe than in Havana. But a series of quiet moves, first by Trump, and now by Biden, have produced a humanitarian crisis throughout Cuba.
The Fourth International
Fayyaz Baqir
International Spartacist Tendency (IST)
We started studying and meeting regularly in the first quarter of 1979 in Salish Sea’s (SS’s) apartment, located across the road from the Gulberg Police Station. Femme Rouge (FR) said that she reported to the Sri Lankan cell of a splinter group of the Fourth International, the International Spartacist Tendency (IST) in the South Asian region and received guidance on party matters from them.
Mohammad Ali Talpur
In my article “Testing Times” in Dawn I wrote about the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) seeking a huge slice of land in the Hingol Park for testing weapons.
Pakistan’s blackest day
Ashraf Jehangir Qazi
The night of October 20-21, 2024 will go down as the darkest moment yet in Pakistan’s sorry history. An unrepresentative parliament and a controversially elected government conspired with the military to savage the Constitution They have sought to constitutionally legitimate what has, in fact, been and continues to be military rule with all its dire consequences for the people and state of Pakistan.
Vijay Prashad
On August 8, 2024, a 31-year-old doctor at the RG Kar Medical College in Kolkata (West Bengal, India) finished her 36-hour shift at the hospital, ate dinner with her colleagues, and went to the college’s seminar hall to rest before her next shift.
Berch Berberoglu
The resurgence of nationalism and ethnonationalist conflict in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union and its associated Eastern European states
The parliamentary façade
W B Bland
The coup of April 1953 represented a victory of the ‘Karachi’ landlord/comprador bourgeois clique and a defeat of the Bengal landlord/comprador bourgeois clique.