Volume 7, No. 1, January 2025
Editor: Rashed Rahman
Vijay Prashad
I have been in Caracas, Venezuela, for the past two weeks, before and after the presidential election on July 28, 2024.
State Secrets and Crimes
On August 7, 2024, in the latest episode of unrest over sexual violence in Israel’s prisons, a video of nine soldiers raping a Palestinian detainee was broadcast on Israel’s Channel 12.
Ashraf Jehangir Qazi
One of the surprising things about the developments in Bangladesh has been the extent to which the criminal governance of the Sheikh Hasina regime mimicked governance in Pakistan.
Kinza Fatima
The contemporary wave of struggle in Balochistan is led by women, following the Baloch Long March in 2023.
The Class Structure of Pakistan
W B Bland
There were significant differences in the class structure of West and East Pakistan. In West Pakistan (according to the Census of Agriculture, 1963-4), 63,300 landlords (representing 1.25 percent of landholders) owned more than 100 acres of land, owning between them 15.2 million acres (31.2 percent of the privately owned land).
Fayyaz Baqir
In September 1974 I said goodbye to the Institute of South Asian Studies to join Gomal University in Dera Ismail Khan (DIK).
Foreign hand and Balochistan
Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur
It has always been alleged by the Pakistani authorities that the Baloch struggle is funded by foreign powers, that foreign hands are involved, India in particular and Afghanistan in passing.
Creeping coup in Venezuela
Rashed Rahman
In a by now familiar rerun of the kind of creeping coups used by the US-led west in recent years to wring regime change in countries where the government does not kow tow to Washington’s hegemony, the left wing government of President Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela is undergoing a state of siege by the US, some countries in Europe, and some right wing governments in Latin America, through this unholy alliance’s local agents backed by the Venezuelan elite.