Volume 7, No. 2, February 2025
Editor: Rashed Rahman
The vulnerability of authoritarian regimes
Rashed Rahman
While Third World revolutionaries attempt to set up liberated areas or ‘guerrilla governments’ in the countryside, the other side of the coin, i.e. incumbent governments or regimes, must be examined as to their modes of retaining power and their vulnerability and susceptibility to overthrow by revolutionary guerrilla insurgencies./p>
Arun Kundnani
(In 1969, at the Association of Arab-American University Graduates (AAUG) convention, Eqbal Ahmad delivered a stark message: the Palestinian liberation movement would fail if it relied solely on armed struggle. He argued for a broader strategy, combining military with political and ideological tactics. The aim was to bring about the moral isolation of Israel by exposing the violence and racism that Zionism, as a form of settler colonialism, had to rely upon. Today, that goal might finally be within reach).
NSO’s organisation building in Punjab
Fayyaz Baqir
Soon after the National Students Organisation (NSO) was formed we started work on setting up units in educational institutions in and outside of Lahore.
The Social Media
Mir Mohammad Ali Talpur
The Social media has been both a blessing and bane for the Baloch. The social media has been used, misused and abused to everyone’s heart’s content.
From the PMR Archives
This month we are starting a series of reprints from the Pakistan Monthly Review (PMR) Archives, based on their continuing relevance today. The first selection is from the first issue of PMR in January 2019 – Ed.
Rashed Rahman
The year 2017 marked the hundredth anniversary of the Russian communist revolution of October 1917.