Volume 7, No. 1, January 2025
Editor: Rashed Rahman
Imtiaz Alam
The May 9, 2023 violent attacks against the armed forces installations in Pakistan, mainly in the dominant province of Punjab (the backbone of the Army) by the angry youthful followers of deposed prime minister (PM) Imran Khan in a frenzied reaction to his humiliating arrest are unprecedented in the history of a ‘garrison state’.
Fredric Grare
(The following report, although not current, is being published to throw light on the crisis in Balochistan – Ed.)
S M Naseem
More than five decades have passed since the South Asian subcontinent suffered its second geopolitical upheaval as it gave birth to another independent nation-state, Bangladesh, close on the heels of the partition of colonial India and the birth of the twin states of India and Pakistan only a quarter-century earlier…
Prabhat Patnaik
A century ago, Vladimir Lenin was in Zurich completing a manuscript that would go on to become perhaps the most consequential book of the twentieth century. Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism may not be the most widely read of Lenin’s works, but it is certainly the most important.